Suicide Squad (2016)

“Don’t forget, we’re the bad guys.”

What’s it about?

A team made up of bad guys are forced to work for the government, which makes the whole shifting accountability thing a whole lot easier. The roster includes a guy who doesn’t miss anything (except for his daughter), a crazy lady who’s in love with an even crazier person, a woman who’s half witch half eyebrows, a guy with a weird choice of weaponry, a crocodile and a Mexican flamethrower. Oh, and some guy who’s really good with ropes or some shit?

Who’s in it?

Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Jared Leto, a surprisingly decent Jai Courtney and Joel Kinnaman, Cara Delevingne,  that bossy chick from How to Get Away With Murder as a bossy chick and the funny guy from Bad Neighbours as a funny guy.

Why should I watch it?

+ Two reasons why you should give this movie a chance, performances from Will Smith and Margot Robbie
+ Harley Quinn seemed like she was grabbed straight from the Batman animated series
+ Margot Robbie absolutely nailed her character, making her sympathetic as well
+ Speaking of nailing her character, we also get another take on the Joker
+ He’s more organised, more materialistic, bit of a mob boss vibe with a less chaotic kind of intimidation
+ Movie really got down the relationship between them
+ Classic costume shot was a pleasant surprise
+ Feels like BvS and SS are just a big teases for an incredible Batman solo film
+ Deadshot was fucking badass and fucking hilarious too
+ Dialogue between the team are a lotta fun to watch
+ Has some cool soundtracks. Although, why put Spirit in the Sky? Just gonna get more people to compare it to Guardians of the Galaxy
+ Another member that got me emotionally invested was El Diablo, what a cool dude
+ He’s a bit like Bruce Banner in a way, not wanting to use his power cos he knows he’ll win
+ Way less serious than BvS, made me laugh a couple of times
+ Looks like that’s carrying on to Justice League by the look of the trailer
+ Just weird seeing Batman being jokey all of a sudden #Martha
+ Nice sprinkle of Batman throughout, makes sense that he’s there
+ Also a great cameo from The Flash, huge fan of his costume
+ End credit scene was a lot of fun, it reminded me of their relationship from Justice League cartoon
+ Anyone else used to watch those?

Why shouldn’t I watch it?

– Killer Croc voice to deep, hard to understand him sometimes so you kinda miss a few punchlines
– Some of the jokes feel forced, like they’re trying too hard to make it funnier
– Batman is a dick for spoiling father and daughter quality time
– Not enough Joker for me to decide if I like him or not
– His tattoos still don’t make sense but the smile tattoo on his hand is pretty cool, like when he covers his mouth or other people’s mouths
– Main baddie was too vague and wasn’t really that interesting
– Some shots feel random, not tying in well together
– Why are DC movies so choppy man?
– Movie focuses more on some members and other members had to take a backseat
– Unlike in Guardians of the Galaxy, it’s kinda hard to buy these bad guys actually doing something good out of their own free will, especially Killer Croc and Captain Boomerang
– Also, they all have one drink together and now they’re calling themselves family
– What? Was the whiskey that good?

Anything else?

I’m back! Who missed me? Who’s thinking who is he? Really really glad to be reviewing again. Also, hope you guys enjoyed all the guest posts. I’m really debating adding members to this blog and making a team but we’ll see.

Anyway, back to the movie. I’d say it’s better than BvS, it’s fun while still being dark at times. Definitely not 26% like RT suggest, that’s just too harsh. Not saying it’s the best, it could’ve been better but I had a good time and I think you guys would too. 


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85 thoughts on “Suicide Squad (2016)

  1. I think people’s expectations were too high for this film. It was so overhyped. I haven’t seen it yet myself but all the opinions have been interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Despite all of the hate for this film, I’m still looking forward to eventually seeing this. Glad to see a favorable review of this one Diego! Great job and welcome back!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Welcome back! To me, while it was a fun ride with some interesting characters / actors (Smith, Davis, and Robbie were great in it), Suicide Squad didn’t live up to my expectations. But I had some pretty high ones for this. Still (as I said in my review), some will like it, while others won’t. Its a tossup.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. And…the bro’s back! Great to see you steering again!
    What? You kinda liked SS???!!! Saw it today and wow…were my expectations dashed. Will and Margot were ace….but that won’t save it from the massacre that’s coming when I review. #SideEffectOfOverhypingStuff

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cheers bro! Aha yeah man, I wasn’t mad at it, I can see why people hate it though aha looking forward to the bloodbath.


  5. I..I.. I thought you were gone!

    This is an interesting one, I have to see it for the ride. And for Margot Robbie. I’m actually unsure about Will Smith sometimes. I feel like it’s because I saw that vid of him bitch slapping the reporter guy.

    Very cool review!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aha I can’t be responsible for giving you guys abandonment issues so I came back. Definitely see it I think. Aha which video was this? Was it recent? Maybe he said something bad about his kids acting aha thanks dude! Can’t wait to hear what you think.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Enjoy this 40 seconds of greatness. I don’t know, it’s debatable, but now I view Will Smith differently hahaha.

        Liked by 2 people

  6. I really agree with the jokes are too forced thing. The 26% rating was a little much, but honestly, it was pretty choppy, like you mentioned. I think that cast was great though too.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I actually was a huge fan. Definetly a different twist but it was pretty cool. Same with Harley but I feel like they tried too hard there, ya feel?
        Idk, what did you think about Leto?

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! DC just lost another fan huh? Yeah she did such an awesome job. We’re definitely gonna see a lot of Harley Quinns these Halloween aha

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  7. The hype-train for this movie was way too much, and I think it ultimately killed the film. We definitely needed more Joker, and I could do without Enchantress. I’d like to see a Harley/Joker movie 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think BvS kinda lowered my expectations which is probably why I gave it a 7 aha, might go down lower when I think about more. That hand switch thing is pretty cool though, saying “Enchantress” to change, not so much. Cant’ wait for the Batman solo film!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I was gonna quote some golden parts of this post but there was just too many haha. Hype was way too much. I think they are trying too hard to match Marvel’s success instead of trying to build up at their own pace. Jared as Joker was not my favorite. Otherwise I agree Margot and Will definitely carried this movie.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aha glad I made someone laugh today 😀 Yeah I can see the forced jokes being added there because of Guardians of the Galaxy and Deadpool. Yeah it was weird wasn’t it? And for sure, completely agree!


  9. While I am a superhero (or super villan) movie fan already, this movie has made me ultra hyped because of its awesome visuals and art that goes along with it as well as the sick soundtrack! I am so happy that the Joker and Harley Quinn lived up to expectation because they are who I am most looking forward to seeing!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jury’s still out on Joker but I think you’ll enjoy this version of Harley Quinn. Hope it lives up to your expectations aha lemme know what you think 😀

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      1. I will! I most likely will write up a seperate review for it too just because of so much hype, it feels like it should get its own post! So excited!

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Cool blog man! Really like you layout as its different from most other film review blogs! I’m still really interested in seeing Suicide Squad but man the reviews are polarizing! Anw you have yourself a new follower 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Absolutely agreed this movie was soooo awesome i mean Harley had it. Killer croc was insanely silly and the with don’t even get me started i just had alot of fun watching this one 9/10 yessss it deserves it

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Glad to hear you enjoyed it! I see a lot of negative reviews floating around. I am seeing it tomorrow night, and still excited despite a lot of negative feedback 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Wow awesome with all the likes and comments Diego! Lovely review, I think it’s very hopeful that you gave it 7! I am still looking forward to seeing it! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I enjoyed the film[mostly] but it wasn’t easy to fall into it. I love that the DC Comic Verse has a grittier vibe to all it’s [recent] films. However, I felt like I had a hard time connecting to a lot of the characters because they don’t really give you much background into them, except Harley and Deadshot. I think they just expect us to be knowledgeable of them already, which makes it difficult to really know what’s going on and root for them to succeed. I did feel like a lot of the jokes were forced. I didn’t like Cara Delevigne as Enchantress, it just felt off; but as June Moone, she was great.

    I think I’ll give the movie another chance, once it’s out on bluray. But I still have super mixed feelings.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I completely agree with ya. Guess I never realised that cos I’m quite initiated with DC but some fans might not get it. Some were really forced. It’s like they saw guardians and added more songs and jokes to it.
      Wasn’t mad at it. I’d watch it again with someone if they haven’t seen it yet.


  15. Hyped movies like this I’m constantly trying not to go in expecting too much. Ignoring everything we all thought it should be, it was a pretty enjoyable movie. I really want to see the other versions they apparently made of it though!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah I agree with ya, I think that’s the move. I wanna see more of those Joker footage they cut off. Should’ve just made him the main baddie to be honest.

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      1. Yeah, that would’ve made way more sense. It really could’ve done without Enchantress’s brother (can’t think of his name) entirely.

        Liked by 1 person

  16. Love reading everyone else’s take on a film!
    When they started calling each other “family” that really baffled me too. Also really liked Diablo, wish we had more of him. Better than BvS but not a 7 for me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aha it’s like when someone says “I love you” too soon and we’re just like, “You just met them.” It JUST made it, maybe I was in a good mood? Aha


  17. That’s awesome rewiev! I’m super late with my SS review, but I’m gonna do it tomorrow or Saturday. Anyway, I love this piece of yours!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I would have given it the same score.
    I really liked El Diablo in the end, and the way he transformed to defeat the Enchantress’ brother. However, I was not really that happy with what they did with the Enchantress.
    I agree though, Will Smith and Margot Robbie were great in this film!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah the villain was so weak, they should’ve just made Joker the man baddie. They really were! Cheers for dropping by.


      1. Maybe…but I would rather see him pop up in a Batman movie, or in another film that explores his relationship with Harley. I heard that they are petitioning for a spin-off for that already? It was the CGI that got to me, it looked like her body was twitching out of sync with her head. hahaha.

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  19. This movie was so disappointing. Certain things just made me cringe inside. DC, don’t try to be Marvel. I do agree with your point about Harley Quinn. She was the most interesting of the bunch. Will Smith too. He was trying to save this movie.

    Liked by 1 person

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