Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

“Tell me, do you bleed? You will.”

What’s it about?

To those uninitiated, Batman v Superman follows up on the destruction caused by Superman and Zod in Man of Steel. Batman sees Superman as a potential threat to global extinction while Superman sees Batman as a violent vigilante, sending the two in a head to head battle.

Who’s in it?

Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Jesse Eisenberg (who seems to know all of the oldest lies in America), Gal Gadot, Jeremy Irons and Amy Adams as the damsel in distress.

Why should I watch it?

+ Opening credit scene reminiscent of Watchmen
+ Establishes the man and god aspect with the opening scene
+ Ben Affleck’s apology for Daredevil
+ In turn, I apologise for doubting him
+ He was a great Batman AND Bruce Wayne
+ His version of Batman is more violent, more brutal and straight up scary at times
+ Better fight scenes than The Dark Knight Trilogy
+ Dialogue between Bruce Wayne vs Clark Kent
+ Wonder Woman is one hell of a Gal (wink wink)
+ Congressional hearing scene
+ Batman v Superman fight scene was great
+ The Trinity v Doomsday fight scene was great
+ Dream sequence was cool but leaves many unanswered questions
+ Shocking ending
+ Intriguing cameos
+ Gets you excited for a Justice League movie and even more excited for a Batman solo movie

 Why shouldn’t I watch it?

– Editing like Bambi on ice, fucking all over the place
– Trailers did ruin parts of the movie (Doomsday, shot of The Trinity)
– Needed more conversation between Batman and Superman to argue their ideology (interrogation scene from The Dark Knight, rooftop scene in Daredevil season 2)
– Lex Luthor comes across as annoying and over the top
– Like he got kicked through a Jim Carrey movie
– Also, Lex Luthor hates Batman and Superman because… conflict?

Anything else?

Had the potential ingredients to create one of the best comic book movies but ended up leaving a bit of a bitter taste. If you like Man of Steel, go watch it. If you didn’t like Man of Steel but like Batman, go watch it. If you didn’t like Man of Steel and don’t like Batman, watch Zootropolis. I hear it’s pretty good.


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Man of Steel
The Dark Knight

55 thoughts on “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

  1. “– Editing like Bambi on ice, all over the place”
    Love(!) that analogy.

    Sigh I really wanted to like it but I just couldn’t conjure up myself to not feel immense disappointment.. Plus side: Batfleck KILLED it. He ain’t Matt Murdock anymore! 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aha I see what you did there! 😉 I was actually surprised on how many fucks he doesn’t give.
      I felt the same thing you did, I’ll give them one more shot with Justice League before I pack my bags and leave.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I was so disappointed. Why couldn’t the whole movie be like the last third? I had a blast during that. Ben Affleck nails it. If he keeps it up in the Justice League movie and any solo movies, he could be my favorite Batman ever.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah wasn’t expecting that. Also surprised by the different version of batman since this one straight kills dudes. I don’t mind it but I bet some people are upset over that. Very dark take on batman


      2. Aha yeah I didn’t see that coming at all. It kinda goes with his whole old and aged persona so I’m fine with it. Also that branding thing. Why do people in prison beat up people with that mark? Didn’t get that part.


      3. I kinda saw it as people in prison figure that batman only goes after the worst of the worst so people with the mark were scum and deserved it

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  3. After I’ve watched the movie I was really looking forward to “The Justice League Part One”, really liked how they hinted little about it in this movie!

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      I love how Batman is the one building the team together, such a Batman thing to do. Also, The Flash time travel dream thingy. Was it a dream? or the future? and why was it a dream within a dream? So many questions!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes me too, really looking forward to seeing how Batman does it! Yeah yeah, no idea, little confusing actually…

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m looking forward to seeing this, it’s a shame it seems like they butchered Lex Luthor, I mean JIm Carrey!? Now I can’t get Batman Forever out of my head and I had only just recovered from that old childhood trauma…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. “Editing like Bambi on ice, fucking all over the place”

    I laughed out loud at that one! With so little action in this movie, they really needed something else to fill the gaps. I would have loved a scene where Superman and Batman actually discussed their ideologies and why they do things. A scene akin to Daredevil Season 2’s rooftop scene (which was just a wonderfully written scene in a wonderfully written show), should have been a must for this movie.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly man! I liked how Lex is the puppeteer behind the scenes but hated how he had to kidnap Superman’s mum to get him to fight Batman. They probably didn’t do a discussion scene because there wouldn’t have been a fight in the first place.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I think we should all take a moment to be grateful for this film since it gave us the ‘Sad Affleck’ meme 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Finally got round to seeing it yesterday and I have to say it was much better than what people are saying about it. Agree mostly with what you’re saying however for me the dream sequences seemed really weird, I mean I loved them especially on 70mm Imax but they seemed really out of place. Oh and the Justice League cameos really could’ve been implemented better! Like the movie seemed to come to a halt as wonder woman watched the videos, that while cool, probably could’ve formed an online marketing campaign for the JL movie.
    I’m still probably going to give the movie a 7 though, I thought that aside from those things it was quite a good movie. Gonna hold of on my review though till I see it with friends on Wednesday.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was a weird call to put a dream scene within a dream scene, which one is real? I like The Flash scene and Superman is pretty scary as a bad guy. Aha I know right! I was waiting for Batman to open them. Online campaign would’ve been a great idea. Looking forward to your full analysis man.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I know! I would’ve loved it if it was actually batman who was investigating the meta humans rather than Mark Zucherberg… I mean Lex Luthor. I didn’t like the flash one as much, I thought the dream within a dream was a bit too much but if it was on it’s own with a better lead up then I would’ve bought it. Might have to go back and review Man of Steel first now, cant decide which one worked better at the moment so it may help to go back before seeing BvS again.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi! Really liked your article… I am a massive fan of Batman – in fact, he’s my fave superhero – and I absolutely loved the Dark Knight Trilogy, with Christian Bale as Batman. I think that he’s a perfect B and that the movies are really well made. Have you watched that Trilogy? Do you think that I’ll like Ben Affleck as B? I don’t know if I should watch the movie or not…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey! Thank you. I’m with you, I have so much love for The Dark Knight trilogy. I thought Ben Affleck as the Batman is the best thing about this movie, I think you’ll like it! Although, some people disagree with his methods.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I loved your comment about the editing/Bambi. I enjoyed the film for what it was, a stepping stone to get to the Justice League movie. I did enjoy Batfleck, but I can’t really say yay or nay until a standalone film is made.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I kinda want them to replace Snyder though. I want a good Justice League movie. What did you think about his “methods”? People seem to be split on that. Also, you doing a full review?


  10. I agree about the opening credit scene. 🙂 i loved the Watchmen. I feel that this movie had the same problem as Avengers 2, they did too much build up for the next movies than focused on the actual substance of the film. I didn’t hate it, there’s actually quite a number of good things about it. One of which was Superman’s struggle to do what’s right despite of all the criticism he’s getting. We saw the real human side of him which I liked. It made me relate to him a bit more. Ben Affleck ,though, was an amazing Batman!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I loved Watchmen too! Rorschach is the man. Agree with your points, there was more good than bad and it’s definitely not a 28% like RT suggests.


  11. “Editing like Bambi on ice, fucking all over the place.” BEST. Review Line. Ever. Your reviews are not only relevant, they crack me up. You’re a joy to follow, Diego!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I completely agree with this rating! I don’t think it was awful but it felt like the film was a longer version of the trailer they really show us anything we couldn’t find in the trailer. The cinematography was beautiful. It felt like batman/ “batfleck” 😂 didn’t really have a solid reason to fight superman… I really wished they built on the religious themes of superman being seen as God, I thought they touched on it but I wanted more. It would have been so cool to see superman as more of the bad guy, when I watched that ‘dream scene’ with superman pulling the mask off batman as a teaser trailer it got me so excited for the movie thinking they would build on that… All the scenes with batman were awesome, lex Luther was very disappointing too meddlesome, jesse eisenburg was more sinister in the social network… I expected alot more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Superman was actually scary in that dream scene, using heat vision on those two guys was a pretty good entrance aha I know! A lot of people must’ve been fired over that trailer lol lets hope Justice League is better than this one right?

      Liked by 1 person

  13. “Opening credit scene reminiscent of Watchmen”…haha, well considering that movie was also by Snyder, and Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s character (The Comedian) is also killed in the opening scene

    “Also, Lex Luthor hates Batman and Superman because… conflict?”…if I remember correctly, in the scene when it is revealed that Martha is kidnapped, Lex gives a monologue to Superman about his dislike of him being reminiscent of God, since he (Lex) had daddy issues as a child and felt/believed that God wasn’t there for him; he has lost faith, and the existence of Superman evokes anguish within him (“If God is all-powerful, then He cannot be all-good, and if He is all-good, then He cannot be all-powerful.”); so he uses Martha’s hostage situation to gain leverage over Superman (“Now God bends to my will.”)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aha yeah I know man, I just really liked the opening credit scene from Watchmen, great Batman reference too.
      Yeah I get you but it didn’t really work for me as much. Also, why does he hate Batman?


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